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If you have scars left behind by acne or surgery that you’ve been wanting to get rid of, Erasure Skin  has a possible solution for you. Laser scar removal can produce excellent results with no discomfort or downtime. As a result, people will notice your smoother and more beautiful skin, not your scars!


Laser scar removal lessens the appearance of surgical and acne scars, especially when part of suitable treatments and aftercare to deal with your issues. Light from the laser precisely targets the affected skin areas, and the scar tissue is eliminated through the body’s natural process of renewal. The body creates new, healthy tissue to replace the areas of affected tissue. Microneedling and Mesotherapy can improve the skin further by providing additional boost to collagen and elastin or medical serum into the skin to assist with skin recovery.


Acne before and after

Each visit usually takes less than half an hour, though multiple treatments may be required depending upon the amount of acne or surgical scars that require treatment and the severity. This treatment is very safe and results in minimal discomfort during the procedure. Most of our clients are able to return to their normal activities immediately afterward.


The most common side effects of acne and surgical scar treatment are mild redness and swelling, but these usually subside quickly.

Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks - If you’ve been bothered by unsightly stretch marks, whether from weight loss, having a baby, or hormonal changes,  Our laser system can effectively and safely reduce the look of stretch marks, new or old, with a series of treatments.

Creams and lotions rarely work to eliminate stretch marks, but laser treatment for stretch mark removal is one of the most effective solutions available. Whether your stretch marks are new or years old, laser treatment can remove stretch marks from any part of the body – stomach, hips, legs, arms, and breasts.

During a laser stretch mark removal treatment, laser light energy targets the stretch marks, breaking down the skin around and below them. This tissue is then eliminated by the body, causing new layers of skin to grow, which will appear smoother and younger.

Laser stretch mark removal can take as little as half an hour, though multiple sessions may be required. The procedure requires little to no downtime, so our clients can get back to their regular activities quickly.

Though many people do not experience side effects from laser stretch mark removal, mild side effects may include redness, swelling, and itching, all of which usually subside within a few days.


IPL is an intense pulse light which is an ideal treatment for mild and moderate inflammatory acne, for which we get remarkable results. Acne is very often caused by internal factors such as hormonal imbalance either at puberty or at various other stages in adulthood, also stress and food allergies. Studies have shown that 40-50% of adults over the ages of 20 – 40 age group can suffer from low grade persistent acne. Other skin conditions alongside the acne can make treatments a challenging one, where other forms of treatment or a combination of treatments may be desirable. These can be discussed at your consultation if desired. The treatment can be combined with methods to deal with the underlying problem in order to clear the acne. The treatment works by killing of bacteria, reducing the pain and swelling that comes from active acne.

Significant Acne on Forehead
Acne on face side and neck
  • This treatment can also be used for the occasional spots and boils that may pop up from time to time. Those with ongoing acne problems, regular treatments may be advisable to help prevent further outbreaks.


  • The innovative and advanced IPL system filters light from a flash lamp in two targeted ways to ensure that only light with the appropriate wavelength is allowed to reach the skin to prevent future acne. Haemoglobin, the red pigment in the blood, absorbs this light and heats up in the fine blood vessels that supply the sebaceous glands. This causes minor injury to the sebaceous glands, which decreases the overproduction of oil that leads to acne.


  • This solution to dealing with acne is easy and essentially painless, as any potentially harmful wavelengths are filtered out by our advanced IPL system.


  • Preparation before a treatment. You do not need to do anything in order to prepare for treatments. However, in the weeks leading up to your appointment, it is important that you should avoid exposure to the sun, as your skin must be kept as pale as possible. This is to prevent too much light from being absorbed by a darker complexion.


  • Post treatment. Although there may be some redness on your skin after the treatment, people do not normally need any post treatment care. However, some people with more sensitive skin may ease any discomfort by applying ice or aloe vera to the area immediately after the treatment. In the case of sun-damaged skin, some of the pigmented spots may become darker, but they will eventually disappear.

FAQ – IPL acne and pigmentation

  • Will it hurt?  As no anesthetic is required and individuals vary in their thresholds of pain, it is difficult to predict how much, if any, pain a particular client will feel when he or she receives the treatment. To date, patients have describe a wide variety of sensations from a slight pinch to heating of the skin.

  • What will my skin look like after the treatment? Your skin may look slightly flushed. This mild ‘glow’ will usually disappear after 24 hours. In some rare cases some swelling or superficial bruising or crusting may occur whilst the skin is rejuvenating to reveal a brighter and fresher new you!

  • Can I have a treatment while my skin is tanned? No. We prefer to treat the skin when it is closest to its natural colour. Any sun exposure should be avoided eight weeks prior to the treatments, and fake tanning should be avoided four weeks prior to treatment.

  • How many treatments are required? This really depends on your skin condition. Improvement can be seen with every treatment, although a course of five treatments about four weeks apart generally gives the best results.

  • How do I take care of my skin following the treatments? Most patients will not require post treatment care. You should, however, completely avoid sun exposure for up to a week and then use a sunscreen with a minimum spf of 50 on the areas treated, as your skin will be extra sensitive for a few weeks following the treatment.


Please note that our IPL photo rejuvenation system is not suitable for all skin tones especially darker ones.

Acne on face cheek
Forehead acne
Acne Triggers
Face cheek acne
What to Expect

​What  Triggers Acne?


  • While stress creates the trigger for acne, there are 4 main factors that contribute to the development of acne

1  –  Overactive sebaceous glands (the production of too much oil)

2  –  Dead skin build up

3  –  Bacteria

4  –  Inflammation


There are 5 different kinds of acne, 3 of which can be treated below at the clinic.

1  –  ACNE VULGARIS  Clogging of the hair follicles that leads to unsightly and sometimes painful skin lesions and pimples.

2  –  ACNE CONGLOBATA  A rare form of acne which is found on the back and chest along with nodules and severe bacterial infection. This form of acne can cause severe scarring for the individual.

3  –  ACNE ROSACEA  An inflammation of face, neck and chest. Usually compounded by inflammation, ‘spots’ alongside the redness which is usually noted.


What to expect


  • It takes approximately 45 minutes to treat the full face , including consultation and preparation, a typical course of therapy is 4 treatments , a month apart


  • The treatment is practically pain free, like a flick from a rubber band followed by a sensation similar to the feeling of gentle warmth after a day on the beach.


  • You may notice some general redness on the face .


  • You will be given aftercare advice.


Advice can be given for those treatments which are beneficial to Acne type skins such as Non-ablative laser resurfacing involving using infrared rays to heat the inner layers of the skin. This promotes collagen production and also the creation of fresh skin cells; Microdermabrasion, DermaNeedling, Mesotherapy, Glycolic peels and retinol type skin care.

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